Services We Offer
We offer a wide range of legal services including General Counsel & Business Law, Litigation, Insolvency & Restructuring, E-commerce & Consumer Rights, Medical Malpractice.
General Counsel & Business Law

Sava Law Firm provides general counsel to small and start-up businesses, mid-sized companies and international entities, in a variety of industries.
Often, businesses is confronted with legal challenges which require experienced and qualified legal counsel. That’s why most of our clients treat us as a trusted member of their management team and seek our advice on the broad range of legal matters that arise on a daily basis. We are more than just business lawyers, we are trusted advisors.
Our mission is to deliver cost-effective and efficient solutions to help our clients and their businesses thrive.
We do not just tell our clients whether something is “legal” but we are advising them how to make that legally.
We advise businesses on a wide range of activities such as:
- create the contracts used by our clients in their daily operations;
- negotiate, draft, review, and revise contracts needed by our clients to be concluded with their clients or suppliers;
- contractual issues, including drafting and dispute resolution,
- intellectual property issues,
- advise our clients regarding issues that arise with their employees
- corporate procedures,
- share capital increase, management meetings, board meetings, shareholders meetings.
We also help businesses to keep and protect its trade secrets which offer them a business’s greatest competitive advantage.
Our clients understand that well written contracts help them to avoid disputes, and if disputes occur, they help resolve them.
Our clients frequently ask us to assist them in various corporate issues: setting up, winding-up, merging, spin-off, decrease and increase of social capital.
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Our Romanian litigation lawyers frequently represent individuals, businesses, companies, directors, shareholders and other parties in all types of business litigation in Romanian Tribunals and arbitration Courts.
Our Romanian litigation lawyers have over 20 years experience litigating before state Tribunals and arbitrating disputes before Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.
Litigation is usually not the first option. When a dispute arises, it’s important to evaluate the facts, review the applicable law, assess the risks and benefits of various types of dispute resolution, and determine the goals of all the parties. We explain our clients their options – making them to take the right decisions for their business.
We understand our clients’ needs, goals, issues and our Romanian litigation lawyers provide a legal strategy aimed at achieving their objectives.
We focus on all the above and on resolving disputes among parties to a contract, shareholders, business partners.
Business disputes, no matter the context, are a distraction. They take your focus off of developing, strengthening, and expanding your business.
Our litigation lawyers handle litigation for individuals and businesses in matters of:
Breaching commercial contracts. Interpreting and enforcing contractual provisions and associated damages, collections of debts.
Debt collection in Romania. We help businesses recover receivables from their bad paying customers.
Defamation. If your business has been the victim of a defamation causing a serious harm to reputation or serious financial loss, our Romanian litigation lawyers will immediately advice you to take legal actions including court-case against any person involved in publishing the defamatory text.
Consumers Rights. Dispute raising from complaints or claims from competitors, consumers, consumers associations, information duties, default clauses in General Terms and Conditions or Selling Terms and Conditions.
Corporate & Shareholder Disputes – Disputes that arise between partners, officers and directors can disrupt operations and jeopardise business. We helps resolve corporate and shareholder disputes to avoid unnecessary disruption in business. We defend companies and their officers and directors in lawsuits brought by shareholders.
Unfair competition. Trade secrets. We protect your business key ability to use its know-how, formula, secrets, or process against direct competition. Usually, trade secrets cases involve trade secrets misappropriation.
Breaching of the employee rights. We resolve disputes regarding non-compete agreements, discrimination and compensation.
Medical malpractice. We fight in court for the rights of our clients in medical malpractice cases. Our goal is to help each client achieve the best possible outcome.
Real Estate Litigation. Our lawyers represents clients in real estate litigation matters, including those arising out of purchase and sale agreements, ownership evictions, construction projects, landlord-tenant agreements, breach of lease options.
Contact us today to consult with our Romanian litigation lawyers who can evaluate your case and explain your options!
E-commerce & Consumer Rights

The entrepreneurs understood that today it is no longer an option to sell online. An online presence is highly recommended even you sell flowers or software.
Digital trade opens new opportunities but also great challenges.
Our lawyers provide complete legal services for e-commerce business with respect of consumer rights and personal data protection legislation.
Our legal support include drafting and reviewing of the selling policies, general terms and conditions, advertising and sponsorship agreements, personal data protection policies.
For our clients running e-commerce businesses intended for consumers, selling policies and general terms and conditions are essential.
That is because they must govern the rights and duties of the parties as well as online purchase conditions.
If the selling policies, general terms and conditions are not clear, then can be a disputes source.
Our clients understand that well-written general terms and conditions help them to avoid disputes. When the disputes occur, well-written terms and general conditions help resolve them favourable.
Violations of consumer rights often cannot be remedied or can only be remedied at great expense, resulting in damage to affected entire business areas.
We also help our clients to comply with the European and Romanian legal provisions in the area of distance contracts concluded online, with applicable consumer protection laws and regulations.
We frequently provide counsel for our e-commerce clients in legal matters regarding online and social media, comparative and misleading advertising.
Many times false reviews are posted for the intention of damaging your business’s online reputation.
If your business has been the victim of a defamation causing a serious harm to reputation or serious financial loss, our e-commerce lawyers will immediately advice you to take legal actions including court-case against any person involved in publishing the defamatory text.
Sava Law Firm represents our clients before Tribunals also in litigations against claims of their clients or against authorities.
Cybersecurity and Privacy Law

Private companies and public authorities acquire an unprecedented amount of personal and sensitive information and data. It is extremely important that these organisations collect, use and store information and personal data correctly and legally.
Unfortunately, very frequently that information and personal data is being regularly collected, used and stored incorrectly and often also sold or disclosed when it shouldn’t and even sometimes to incorrect third party.
Further, we have even come across IT systems being ‘hacked’ meaning that the security of personal and sensitive information and data is wholly inadequate and susceptible of being leaked. Then serious damage can be caused both emotionally and financially.
Our lawyers assist clients in any industry with their unique IT needs, whether they relate to compliance, licensing, transactions, or litigation.
We help doctors, clinics and other business in health care industry like pharmaceutical, software and medical device manufacturers to implement the management and protection systems for personal and sensitive health data.
For this purpose, our lawyers combine their experience of privacy, security and health care industry with respect of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provisions.
If your company process personal data, your business have to comply with GDPR and to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures and to align business operation with the requirements of the GDPR.
We will assist you in designing and implementing a full and complete data privacy project complying with GDPR and NIS. This project will include even the records of processing activities, Data Protection Offices (DPO) tasks, privacy risk assessment and data protection impact assessment (DPIA).
According to Data Protection Regulation, you can either appoint or hire a DPO, or contract outsourced DPO services.
- Minimize risks and costs associated to an employed DPO;
- Ensure DPO service continuity;
- DPO service is delivered by professional experts;
- Extended knowledge base and continous professional development;
- Ensures required independence, avoids conflict of interests.
Thanks to years of expertise helping organisations successfully integrate technology into their processes, we can assist you on the implementation of the best data loss prevention measure to protect your business.
The laws provide for a notification duty in case of a data leak or data misuse.
We can assure legal support for you on whom, when and how to notify, as well as represent you against potential claims for damages or administrative fines following data security breaches, including representation before the courts and the Romanian Data Protection Authority.
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Insolvency & Restructuring

Our Romanian insolvency lawyers objective is to help business who are facing insolvency, bankruptcy or restructuring.
We have the experience and expertise to help you navigate through the stress and uncertainty associated with financial problems. We will provide you with quality legal counsel during a period that can be quite uncertain, confusing, frustrating and even frightening.
Our Romanian insolvency lawyers have handled hundreds of insolvency matters, including restructuring and bankruptcy – liquidation and we have over 15 years’ experience representing entrepreneurs in insolvency procedure.
We are also practitioners in insolvency and we are constantly appointed as trustee (administrator or liquidator) by the courts to manage the insolvency and bankruptcy Romanian procedures.
Thus, we are able to see all facets of the story and adapt our approach in the manner that best suits our clients’ objectives.
Our lawyers has counselled and represented creditors, debtors and their directors, shareholders, insolvency administrators as well as distressed debt and asset buyers and investors.
We regularly assist insolvency procedures and special administrations in handling litigation, winding up of foreign subsidiaries, sale and recuperation of assets and credits.
Our lawyer’s services in Romanian insolvency cover all areas and phases related insolvency law:
Anticipating the way in which they are affected by a bankruptcy (legal analysis of potential crisis situation, drafting of strategic plan; drafting, negotiating and implementing standstill agreements; commercial contract renegotiation, etc.)
Insolvency services (preparation of the restructuring plan; asset management; debt restructuring, business transfer; seizing and recovery of assets; assets sale; advising secured or unsecured creditors; etc.)
- Bankruptcy services
Our clients come to us when they find themselves in need of advice and representation, and are often unsure of how to proceed.
The decision to file for insolvency procedure is a stressful one.
We examine your situation and explains your options, helping you make the right decisions under the circumstances. We analize all possible options in order to get the business back on the right track and preserve your assets. Only after all these analyses we will tell you whether applying for insolvency procedure is a suitable solution.
We work diligently to obtain the best possible result for you.
Clients often tell us that they feel better and more comfortable just having talked to us about their legal situation because they know what can be done. Sometimes, filing for insolvency is the end of the adventure, but many times insolvency is an opportunity to get a fresh start and to move forward in business.
The insolvency is an orderly, court-supervised procedure.
A trustee collects the assets of the debtor, transform them to cash and distributes that cash to creditors.
It is important to have on your side a Romanian insolvency lawyer who is experienced and familiar with the insolvency procedures applied in Romania.
We have the knowledge and expertise to successfully guide you through the Romanian insolvency procedure.
Our very recent restructuring and insolvency Romanian lawyers experience includes:
- Advising an international company in insolvency with regard to potential claims for personal liability by the insolvency administrator or creditors against the company’s directors.
- Advising and representing companies in debt recovery and insolvency proceedings against a Romanian company and its director.
- Advising and representing a Romanian company in insolvency under Romanian law proceedings against its domestic and foreign debtors.
- Advising and representing an Italian company in debt recovery, commercial litigation against a Romanian company, as well as acting in insolvency proceedings against the debtor and its director.
- Representing creditor company in a commercial litigation case before Romanian courts, filing for insolvency proceedings against the debtor and representing the creditor in insolvency under Romanian law proceedings.
- Representing the company’s director in a commercial litigation claim before Romanian courts regarding claims for personal liability by the creditors.
- Advising and representing a company who wish to acquire assets from a bankruptcy.
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Medical Malpractice

Often, medical malpractice lawsuits are very complicated.
Choosing the best medical malpractice lawyer to pursue a lawsuit is crucial.
Our lawyers have nearly fifteen years of experience litigating complex medical malpractice matters against most country-renowned doctors.
We meticulously prepare any case for trial.
For these reasons we never lost a medical malpractice case.
We also help doctors, clinics and other business in health care industry like pharmaceutical, software and medical device manufacturers to implement the management and protection systems for personal and sensitive health data.
For this purpose, our lawyers combine their experience of privacy, security and health care industry with respect of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provisions.
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